MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Bosworth: ‘North Hempstead is Proclaimed a Purple Heart Town’
Town to form Veterans Advisory Committee as a link between North Hempstead’s veterans and Town Officials
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Congressman Steve Israel and the North Hempstead Town Council today proclaimed the Town of North Hempstead a “Purple Heart Town,” joining other towns throughout Long Island and New York that have recognized those who were injured or killed in combat while serving their country.
Supervisor Bosworth joined with Erle Mutz, Sergeant-at-Arms and Robert Chiappone, Commander, both of the Chapter 417 Military Order of the Purple Heart of Hicksville and dozens of local veterans groups, at the unveiling ceremony of a sign at Mary Jane Davies Green in Manhasset which reads “North Hempstead, A Purple Heart Town.” The Town’s Highway Department will be placing similar signs at several other locations throughout the Town.
“The Town of North Hempstead has a proud tradition of military service and many of our residents have earned the Purple Heart Medal as a result of being wounded while serving their country,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “I hope the sign here near Town Hall and at other locations throughout the Town will serve as a reminder to residents of our veterans’ dedication and service.”
Congressman Israel, who has been a staunch supporter of veterans throughout his public career, said, “I am proud of the Town of North Hempstead as it officially becomes a ‘Purple Heart Town.’ I know how much our community values military service and honoring the sacrifices made by New York veterans to protect our country and the freedoms we cherish. I have made fighting to ensure local veterans receive the benefits they have earned a top priority. We must never forget their service.”
The Town has worked with Sergeant-at-Arms Mutz, and Commander Chiappone in order to proclaim North Hempstead, a “Purple Heart Town.” They said, “As Life Members of the Military Order Of The Purple Heart Chapter 417 in Hicksville, it is an honor for our organization to partner up with the Town of North Hempstead in acknowledging the importance of supporting those wounded in combat, and fallen vets who volunteered their service and in some cases their lives, in loyalty to our country. Our goal is to help all the surrounding communities become aware of our continuing commitment to friends and families of past, present, and future, servicemen and women who selflessly give their best efforts for our security.”
In addition to the unveiling of the Purple Heart plaque today, Supervisor Bosworth also announced the launch of a Veterans Advisory Committee in order to encourage dialogue between the Town and the veterans’ community and to better serve that valued population.
According to the Supervisor, the committee will consist of veterans who represent various communities across the Town of North Hempstead, civic leaders that have been advocates for the veteran community and citizens that have expertise in veterans’ affairs. Each member of the committee will be a Town Resident, and will be appointed by the Town Supervisor. All positions on the advisory committee are volunteer.
The Supervisor has reached out to more than a dozen veterans groups asking for recommendations.
“Our veterans’ voices need to be heard and it is my hope that an advisory committee dedicated to their issues will assure that we address their needs and the recognition they so rightly deserve,” said Bosworth.
Any veterans interested in serving on the committee please call 311 or 516-869-6311 from outside the Town.

The Town of North Hempstead was proclaimed a “Purple Heart Town” on June 5th at Mary Jane Davies Green.
North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth unveils a sign at Mary Jane Davies Green which reads “North Hempstead, A Purple Heart Town.” Additional signs will be several other locations throughout the Town.