MEDIA CONTACTS: Collin Nash, Ryan Mulholland, & Sam Marksheid | (516) 869-7794
Government Leaders Educate Seniors at “Preventing Financial Elder Abuse” Seminar
Manhasset, NY – North Hempstead Supervisor Jon Kaiman and North Hempstead’s “aging in place” initiative Project Independence, recently joined local organizations including the Ryan Janowsky Wealth Management Group of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, for an “Empowering Seniors to Prevent Financial Elder Abuse” seminar at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock.
Government officials and agencies from all across Long Island collaborated with representatives from the private sector at the June 14th event to educate over 100 seniors on the hazards of financial exploitation, which has become more and more prevalent in recent years.
Supervisor Kaiman spoke about Project Independence and the Town’s 311 Call Center, which is available seven days a week to address concerns of seniors, such as financial abuse. “The key to Project Independence is that it gives seniors a convenient way to connect with the appropriate specialist that can help them through almost any situation. By calling 311 in the Town of North Hempstead, a call-taker will connect you directly with a Project Independence representative who will set you up with an expert who can address your issue.”
The seminar happened to take place on Flag Day, and Nassau County Legislator Judi Bosworth made a connection between the ideals of the holiday and the freedom that our seniors should have. “Today is a great reminder of what our flag stands for and of our Democratic ideals,” said Legislator Bosworth to the attendees. “We are the land of the free and the home of the brave, and we should live in safety and security. By coming here today, you are all taking a step towards protecting yourself against those who look to financially exploit seniors.”
Town of North Hempstead Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman participated in a panel discussion entitled “The Future” which discussed what seniors should be looking out for. He spoke about the new STAR renewal application that requires input of social security numbers. He said, “Seniors should beware of rogue companies with similar applications that ask for social security numbers and other personal information.”
Other government officials who attended included: New York State Senator Jack Martins and New York State Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel. Representatives from the New York State Attorney General’s office, the Nassau County Department of Social Services and the Nassau County District Attorney’s office also delivered insight into what seniors should be aware of, and where financial abusers could lie.
The Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, and the Great Neck Senior Center also helped co-host the event.

Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman addresses the crowd.

Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman speaks to a seminar attendee while Chari Biton and Claudia Poglianich of the Town’s Department of Services for the Aging discuss Project Independence with a resident.