MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Ryan Mulholland, Sam Marksheid, and Rebecca Cheng | (516) 869-7794
Bosworth Applauds City’s Decision to Not Open Jamaica Wells for Time Being
Supervisor continues to call for a state oversight and enforcement mechanism to protect aquifers
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth applauded the recent announcement that New York City had halted its plan to reopen nearly two dozen of now-dormant Jamaica wells in Queens, while repairs were being made elsewhere to the City’s water supply infrastructure. These wells were expected to draw up to 40 million gallons of water per day from Long Island aquifers. Supervisor Bosworth vocalized her opposition to the City’s plan last year and began working early on with many stakeholders, including the Great Neck- Port Washington Aquifer Committee of Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington and Executive Director Mindy Germain, to stop the plan. In addition, Supervisor Bosworth also met with federal representatives and agencies in Washington D.C. to ask for their assistance.
“I am very pleased to hear that New York City has halted its ill-conceived plan to immediately reopen the wells, thereby protecting our aquifer system and the drinking water for our residents,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “However, since the City plans to rehabilitate these wells for future use, I will continue to advocate for the proper groundwater analysis and a model, to ensure that the City and our water suppliers are acting with the best information. This is critical to ensuring the sustainability of our water supply here on Long Island and I will press strongly at every opportunity to achieve this goal. All of this highlights the need for a state oversight and enforcement mechanism so we can protect and preserve the integrity of our underground aquifers.”
“Supervisor Bosworth and The Town of North Hempstead have been a strong voice in our efforts to stop this project and attain the research and scientific study to protect our drinking water,” said Executive Director Germain.
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Here Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, left, and Executive Director of Residents for a More Beautiful Port Washington Mindy Germain, right, take a look at a diagram of the aquifer system that provides drinking water for millions on Long Island.