MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, Vicki DiStefano and Matt Leonenko | (516) 869-7794
Supervisor Bosworth and Town Board Approve Process to Revoke and Suspend Electrical & Plumbing Licenses
North Hempstead, NY – – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board recently held a Town Board meeting on June 5 at Clinton G. Martin Park.
A new local law amending the Town Code was approved to establish a due process to revoke and suspend electrician and plumbing licenses. Previously, the Town had no way to revoke licenses for electricians or plumbers registered in the Town. The law also made technical corrections to the procedures for issuing plumbing permits. Prior to the vote, the Town Board held a public hearing and heard from Arthur Gipson of Plumbers UA Local 200. Mr. Gipson said he supported the legislation and he spoke about the importance of plumbers who brought clean, potable water to modern society.
“It was clean water that saved society and plumbers did this by separating waste from potable drinking water,” he stated. “This legislation is a bold move, it’s a good move, it’s not a union or non-union issue, but it’s about the general health of the public.”
Also approved at the board meeting:
• A local law allowing first responders with parking permits to park for up to 72 hours for in spaces regulated by the Port Washington Public Parking District. The Port Washington Parking District does not allow any overnight parking, but with the approval of this resolution, any first responder who shows proof that they work overnight shifts, can park in designated spots overnight.
• The Port Washington Waterfront Business District moratorium was extended by four months to October 31, 2018. The purpose of this local law is to extend the moratorium on the development of certain real property in the hamlet of Port Washington in the Waterfront Business District, requiring the issuance of building permits, demolition permits, special permits, or any other discretionary approval. The purpose of the moratorium is to give the Town Board the opportunity to consider changes in Town zoning regulations to better support water dependent businesses, public access to the waterfront, and preservation of the Town’s nautical heritage and history.
• A date of July 17 was set for a public hearing to add seven properties to the New Cassel Urban Renewal Plan and renew remaining properties already added to the plan. The New Cassel Urban Renewal plan is an ongoing community revitalization project which includes an affordable housing lottery.
• The Town Board also approved an agreement with Concerned Long Island Mountain Bicyclists (C.L.I.M.B.) to construct approximately five miles of mountain bicycle and hiking trails in the Town’s Hempstead Harbor Nature Sanctuary, 200 wooded acres across the road from North Hempstead Beach Park. C.L.I.M.B. will be responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining the trails. Read the press release here
• Also approved was an agreement with Creative Advertising Concepts and Bright Guard LLC, to place FREE sunscreen dispensers at outdoor locations throughout the Town of North Hempstead was approved. The touch-free dispensers come to the Town at no cost to taxpayers. The Town is responsible for re-filling the dispensers, with Creative Advertising Solutions responsible for any needed repair.
• The Town Board approved the submission of two grant applications. This includes a $35,000 grant with the Community Transportation Association of America’s Inclusive Transportation Planning Framework Grant Program to promote and expand the Town’s aging-in-place program-Project Independence-by working with the existing advisory groups to help promote the Project Independence program. The Town will also be applying to the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation for a grant to renovate the Town’s two pre-existing pump-out boats and maintain the dock. The Clean Vessel Act Grant Program funds for the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of pump-out stations and waste reception facilities for recreational boaters. The Town currently offers free pump-out service and these refurbishments will allow the Town to be more efficient. If awarded, the Town will receive $5,000 per pump out boat and $2,000 for maintenance of the dock. The Town has received this funding several years in a row.
• The Town Board entered into an agreement between National Joint Power Alliance, No Fault Sport Group LLC and Little Tikes Commercial for the installation of new playground equipment and surfacing at Mary Jane Davies Green in Manhasset. Once the contract is signed, the project is projected to be completed within three months. The Town Board also approved an agreement between National Joint Powers Alliance and Portcorp for a new gazebo for the Albertson Triangle. The Albertson Triangle is a passive park located on I.U. Willets Road and Willis Avenue.
• An amendment to an existing agreement, related to sand removal at Town Dock, with Coastline Consulting and Development, LLC to include a hydrographic survey which is needed to determine the quality of the existing sand.
• Finally, the Town Board amended the Parks fee schedule to increase the party boat fee from $500 to $1,500.
The next Town Board meeting will be held on July 17 at 7 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park in New Hyde Park. For more information, please call 311 or 516-869-6311 from outside the Town.