MEDIA CONTACTS: Carole Trottere, Rebecca Cheng, and Matt Leonenko | (516) 869-7794
Town Requests Proposals for Engineering & Design for Phase 1 of North Hempstead Beach Park Master Plan
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board have announced the issuance of a Request for Proposal for design services for the first phase of North Hempstead Beach Park’s redevelopment.
The much-anticipated project is moving forward to the engineering design stage after a two-year process of “visioning” by the Town during which time the public gave feedback as to what they wanted to see at the new park. Supervisor Bosworth promised a “recreation destination” that would include a restaurant, less cement parking lots, more green space and lots of activities in and out of the water.
“This park has always possessed the potential to become a beautiful recreational destination that all residents can enjoy and today we are closer to that reality,” said Supervisor Bosworth. “This is a very exciting step as we enter Phase 1 of the transformation of North Hempstead Beach Park.”
In October the Town will be cutting the ribbon on the Hempstead Harbor Woods bike trail, across the street from North Hempstead Beach Park. The Town has worked in partnership with Concerned Long Island Mountain Bicyclists (C.L.I.M.B.) who designed and constructed the trails in the 200 acres of undeveloped woods, which are considered part of North Hempstead Beach Park.
The RFP for professional engineering services calls for the modification of the north park entrance; new kayak storage and launch; a waterfront restaurant and fire pit; dining terraces; steps to beach, removal and replacement of the existing concession, restrooms and shade structures; rip rap (man-placed rock or other material used to armor shorelines) with plantings and a rip rap barrier; a new parking lot for Port Rowing; removal and replacement of existing maintenance buildings; construction of new maintenance building and yard.
Bids are due on December 13, 2019 and the RFP in its entirety can be viewed here. Following the award of a bid sometime after the New Year, the engineer will be expected to work with the Town’s Parks and Recreation and Public Works departments on the project.