FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2020
MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng, Matthew Leonenko and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794
Town Hosts Virtual Holiday Events
To be broadcast on Facebook and Town’s website
North Hempstead, NY – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and the Town Board announced that the Town has a slate of exciting holiday programs set for the month of December. The programs include a Facebook Live broadcast for this year’s Hanukkah menorah lighting and Christmas tree lighting ceremonies. The live events will also be available on the Town’s website. Additionally, the Town will be airing special North Hempstead at Home videos celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.
“We are looking forward to providing our residents with these new and exciting programs for the holidays,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we hold events, but it was important for us to host our menorah and Christmas tree lightings which are both so popular and loved by our community. All of our residents can enjoy these events while remaining safe and healthy at home.”
On Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 4 p.m. the Town will be partnering with the Chabad of Manhasset and Rabbi Paltiel to host a virtual menorah lighting commemorating the first night of Hanukkah. Supervisor Bosworth and the Town Board will join the Rabbi for the ceremony, lighting, and musical accompaniment.
Festivities will continue with the Town’s annual Christmas tree lighting held with the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce. The event will be broadcast virtually on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 4 p.m. Supervisor Bosworth and the Town Board will kick off the event, which will feature the poster contest, announcement of the winning design by Nancy Morris of the Manhasset Chamber of Commerce and Chairperson of the poster contest, and a countdown to light the tree for the season.
Residents can tune in to watch the live menorah lighting and Christmas tree lighting ceremonies at www.facebook.com/townofnorthhempstead or www.northhempsteadny.gov/holiday.
The Town will also continue its popular NHTV at Home series featuring holiday themed videos. Holiday greetings from the Town’s elected officials, holiday book readings, holiday art, and cooking specials will premiere throughout on Monday and Wednesday at 4 p.m. The week of December 7 tune in for Hanukkah specials. During the week of December 14, watch NHTV get into the Christmas spirit. Finally, tune in during the week of December 28 for a Kwanzaa special. All the NHTV at Home virtual programs will premiere on North Hempstead TV and the Town’s social media pages.
The episodes will premiere on TV on channel 18 or 63 on Cablevision or channel 46 on Verizon.
For a complete schedule for upcoming programs visit: www.mynhtv.com/schedule. Follow the Town on Facebook and YouTube to keep updated on all new programs.