Immediate Release Contact:David Chauvin
March 3, 2004(516) 410-8832
North Hempstead to Receive Nearly $1 Million
in Federal Funding
Manhasset, N.Y. – North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman announced today that Congress has included nearly $1 million for critical revitalization and environmental protection projects in the Town of North Hempstead in the FY'04 Omnibus Appropriations bill that was signed into law by the President last month (January 23). The funding will be used to revitalize the hamlet of New Cassel and for land conservation and storm water management improvements along Hempstead Harbor and Manhasset Bay.
"We are grateful to Senators Schumer and Clinton, Congressman Ackerman, and Congresswoman McCarthy, for their tremendous efforts in helping us secure this funding," said Supervisor Kaiman. "These critical federal funds will empower us to continue to move forward with the revitalization of New Cassel and to continue to preserve our waterfront."
The bill includes $75,000 in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding to help revitalize the New Cassel. Funding will be used to help implement the community's New Cassel Vision Plan, which calls for a proposed renewal of the Prospect Avenue and Union Avenue corridors, to help create a walkable, mixed-use downtown area that is attractive to new retail and commercial investment.
The Town continues to work closely with federal, state, and regional partners to protect Hempstead Harbor and Manhasset Bay from degradation and the impacts of urban development. The omnibus bill provides funding from multiple sources for the protection of the Town's waterfront. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will provide the Town with a $500,000 grant for land acquisition and conservation protects along the two embayments. In addition, the Town will receive $400,000 in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funding for improvements to the storm water management infrastructure in these areas.