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North Hempstead Reminds Residents to Conserve Water

MEDIA CONTACTS: Gordon Tepper, Rebecca Cheng and Michael Anderson | (516) 869-7794

North Hempstead Reminds Residents to Conserve Water 

North Hempstead, NY – The Town of North Hempstead would like to remind residents to conserve water and protect our sole source aquifers throughout the summer season and all year long. There are many simple tips residents can follow to help preserve our environment by changing lawn watering habits and implementing some water recycling programs.

According to the EPA, homeowners can use up to 70% of their water outdoors. Additionally, 50% of water used outdoors can go to waste from evaporation or runoff from overwatering.

Summer water saving tips include:
• Limit watering to early morning and evenings – before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down
• Be sure to check sprinkler heads and fix or replace ones that are broken
• Do the step test: step on your lawn and if it bounces back it does not need water
• Adding mulch around plants will help with moisture and water retention and helps reduce water use
• When cleaning driveways and sidewalks, consider sweeping instead of using water.

Water Restrictions:
Under Nassau County regulations, throughout the entire year, residents’ outdoor water usage is restricted to odd number days for odd number houses and even numbered days for even numbered houses. Additionally, outdoor water usage is not permitted between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

The Town is also airing a PSA talking about the importance of fixing leaky faucets, washing your car at a car wash rather than manually at home, and not overwatering your lawn during hot summer months. The commercial also encourages residents to purchase items such as showerheads and faucets that have the logo of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Watersense program, of which the Town is a partner, in order to cut water use by 20 percent.

The PSA can be viewed on NHTV on Channel 18/65 on Cablevision or Channel 46 on Verizon FIOS. It can also be accessed online at www.mynhtv.com.


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