For Immediate Release Contact: Collin Nash or Sid Nathan
August 7, 2009 (516) 869 7794
Troiano Leads Westbury’s ‘National Night Out’ Parade to Heighten Drug Prevention Awareness
Westbury, NY—Supervisor Jon Kaiman and Councilman Robert Troiano announced today that the unique crime & drug prevention event called National Night Out, once again brought hundreds of Westbury and New Cassel residents, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, businesses neighborhood organizations and local officials together to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.

Councilman Robert Troiano (center) leads Westbury’s National Night Out parade to Martin “Bunky” Reid Park along with Town Clerk Leslie Gross (left) and Viviana Russell (right), block captain with the Unified New Cassel Community Revitalization Corporation and communications project manager for the National Association of Mothers’ Centers in Jericho.

Councilman Troiano welcomes the crowd at Martin "Bunky" Reid Park to the
2009 National Night Out

(L to R) Councilman Troiano greets Bob Turk, Chief of Patrol of Nassau County

(L to R) Westbury Residents Lance Rose and Imani Russel, Cyntia Williams, Outreach Coordinator for the Unified New Cassel Community Revitalization Corporation (UNCCRC), Councilman Troiano, Kennetha Pettus, Exec. Dir. of UNCCRC and son, Joseph Pettus.