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Town Clerk Michelle Schimel is a Presenter at New York State Annual Conference

Town Clerk Michelle Schimel is a Presenter at New York State Annual Conference

 Immediate Release | Contact: David Chauvin (516) 869-7794|May 6th, 2005

Town Clerk Michelle Schimel was a presenter on an educational forum at the 23rd Annual Conference of the New York State Town Clerks Association held in Buffalo April 17-20.  Each year, 400 town clerks and deputy town clerks attend the annual conference for educational enrichment.


The presentation entitled Minutes, Minutes, Minutes employed  a question and answer format to share ideas and practices among Town Clerks.  A panel of three Town Clerks - one each from a small, medium and large town - and legal counsel from the Association of Towns organization addressed numerous questions from the town clerks in attendance.


As North Hempstead Town Clerk, Ms. Schimel was the representative of a large town (North Hempstead is the 5th largest town in New York State serving over 220,000 people).  She is one of the few town clerks in New York who provides constituents with verbatim minutes, as well as annotated minutes within 48 hours of a town board meeting on the town web site.


Ms. Schimel, a former executive board member and district director of the New York State Town Clerks Association, is an accredited Registered Municipal Clerk. 


For annotated minutes of past town board meetings, visit www.northhempsteadny.gov, town clerk link, agendas.

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